Creating the Best Apps With App Builder

Kapil Sharma
3 min readMar 29, 2022


App building has never been easier. The software development landscape is full of app builder platforms that offer drag-and-drop development environments. They’re a great way for beginners to build web applications, but for experienced developers, app builder platforms often feel like a rehash of the same tired tools and processes they’ve used for years. By contrast, app builder is a new breed of app development platform. Thus, below are some of the practices everyone should adhere to when building apps with the app builder.

Take Note Of The Competition- App builders are often built to mimic the same tools and processes that large development companies use to build their apps. As a result, app builders often offer the same features and controls as the tools you’re already familiar with. However, each app builder has unique features that set it apart from the rest. By identifying the unique features of the app builders your competitors use, you can better understand how to build better apps with the app builder.

Reduce Interface Clutter- One of the most common complaints about app builders is the lack of platform control. In-app builder platforms, you’re often provided with a set of pre-built templates and a set of controls that are meant to mimic the look and feel of the platform’s parent app builder. This often results in a cluttered interface that is difficult to navigate and use. By taking a different approach, app builders that offer interface customization allow you to reduce interface clutter and design the app builder interface to better suit your needs.

Invest In Intuitive Navigation- The navigation system of your app is one of the most important parts of your app. If your navigation is confusing or difficult to use, your users will quickly lose interest and leave your app. By investing in intuitive navigation, you can ensure that your app is easy to use and provides your users with the information and functionality they need.

Design A User-Friendly Platform- Your app’s user interface is one of the most important parts of your app. If your platform is difficult to use, your users will quickly lose interest and leave your app. By investing in a user-friendly platform, you can ensure that your app provides your users with the information and functionality they need without sacrificing the aesthetic you’re looking for. Design a platform that is intuitive to use but difficult to master.

Make Your Mobile App Secure- The biggest complaint app builders have about their competitors is that their apps are not secure. The vast majority of app builders use a single platform for their mobile ecommerce app, which makes it easy for users to copy and paste code. As a result, it’s easy for users to build insecure apps that are a security risk. By investing in a separate mobile platform, you can ensure that your mobile app is secure.

The app builders of today are a far cry from the clunky software development platforms of yesteryear. Today, app builders offer powerful, easy-to-use development environments that allow anyone to build apps in just a few minutes. However, with so much choice, it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle. That’s why it’s so important to take the time to identify your app development goals and tailor your app-building strategy to best meet your needs.

